person of interest | timeless | elementary | television | film
IPHI Talks | Person of Interest | Season 1
Episode one : Pilot
JayCee watches and discusses the pilot episode of Person of Interest where she will examine the themes that will carry through the show.
episode two: ghosts
JayCee watches and discusses Ghosts and explains why that title is plural.
episode three: number crunch
JayCee watches and discusses Mission Creep and tries to understand the Machine’s algorithm.
episode one: pilot
JayCee discusses the pilot episode of Timeless where she examines the themes the show establishes, the theory of time travel, and the introduction of our characters.
episode two: the assassination of abraham lincoln
JayCee discusses the Abraham Lincoln episode where she tries to understand Flynn’s plan, takes a deep dive into Rufus, and explains why they can’t travel back on themselves.